Homemade Biogas Generator - Biogas Into Electricity

Alternative energy is one of the most important topics in the world today. Amid diminishing natural resources, environmental concerns, and unforeseen disasters, people are looking for new ways to use and generate energy. Biogas generators are one way to do this.

Biogas Generator

Make biogas - Basic: How do you make biogas?

Biogas is produced through the processing of various types of organic waste. It is a renewable and environmentally friendly fuel made from 100% local feedstocks that is suitable for a diversity of uses including road vehicle fuel and industrial uses. The circular-economy impact of biogas production is further enhanced by the organic nutrients recovered in the production process.

Biogas can be produced from a vast variety of raw materials (feedstocks). The biggest role in the biogas production process is played by microbes feeding on the biomass.

Digestion carried out by these microorganisms creates methane, which can be used as it is locally or upgraded to biogas equivalent to natural gas quality, enabling the transport of the biogas over longer distances. Material containing organic nutrients is also produced in the process, and this can be utilized for purposes such as agriculture.

How can biogas be used to generate electricity at home?

A biogas generator is a machine that uses naturally emitted gasses and converts them into energy or fuel. Biogas generators are a fairly new invention that is becoming more popular in a time when energy is becoming more expensive overall.

Biogases are an important part of maintaining ecological balance. When plants and other natural organisms begin to decay, bacteria and other micro organisms form to help break the materials down. Natural gasses are emitted during this process. The gases that are released in the largest quantities are methane and carbon dioxide, and these are both developed in the absence of oxygen. Unlike fuels like coal and oil, biogas is a renewable energy source because it made with the help of living plants (rather than dead fossils.)

A biogas generator harnesses these gases and quickly recycles them. Animal manure and other decayed materials are placed into the generator. (One type of biogas generator is placed underground outdoors, but the location of the generator is not crucial to its effectiveness.) The generator uses the material to create methane. The methane is released through a pipe and used as fuel for indoor appliances such as stoves. When the stove is hot, it burns the methane and converts it into carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants and the plants are consumed by animals. Then, the cycle repeats.

Unlike other generators on the market, people can actually build their own biogas generators with the right tools and directions. The most important features are an airtight containment area and a tube or pipe for the energy to flow to other areas outside of the generator. The containment area for the converted energy can be an expandable balloon-like structure or a separate tank. This particular design for a homemade biogas generator is made from a large plastic water bottle, tubing and funnel. People looking to construct a generator should acquire all listed materials and follow directions precisely.

Biogas generators can help save money while also saving the environment.

Homemade Biogas Generator - The solution is similar to Biogas, but has many advantages:

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The solution is similar to Biogas, but has many advantages. And you can generate electricity at home using a method similar to the Biogas method.

what is the method for converting the biogas into electricity?

There are several methods available to convert biogas into electricity.
  1. Biogas may be immediately used to heat the water and produce pressurised steam.  These high pressure steam will then be used to power the turbine generator which will subsequently produce electricity, such as normal conventional power plant system.
  2. Biogas is ready for immediate use to power stirling engine.  The advantage of this method is there is no need for biogas purification process as stirling engine uses external combustion system (that is combustion process in performed outside the engine system) however the disadvantage of this method is on its low efficiency.
  3. Biogas may be used as a fuel on a generator using fossil fuel as its primary fuel, either diesel fuel or petrol.  For this particular method, generator may use pure biogas or hybrid system along with the diesel fuel or petrol.

Among the three methods above, the third method is the one which is commonly used.  The reason is that this method enable hybridisation with other fuel and has the highest level of efficiency.  Pak Yusmin, one of the Domestic Biogas (BIRU) user, uses this third method to power his generator set both to produce electricity in case of blackout or to power his grass chopping machine.  Nevertheless, Pak Yusmin does not perform biogas purification process, and distribute the biogas directly to his generator set.  As a result, Pak Yusmin has to clean up his generator set fuel valve periodically from the deposit formed due to the sulphuric content of the biogas.

To utilise the biogas for continuous power generation, then the size of the biodigester shall also be large enough, depending on the power input required by the generator in use.  This is necessary to ensure that the amount of biogas supply is consistent to enable stable generator rotation.  Quoted from Trendsetter Report magazine, in order for the biogas to have an economic value, then the biogas produced shall at least in excess of 700 Nm3/hour, or more than 700 m3/hour measured on a room temperature and at 1 ATM pressure.

Learn more: Can I generate my own electricity?

How does a biogas generator work?

The process is rather simple, and it has been around for centuries. The generator, or digester as it sometimes called, houses a large tank. Organic matter (food waste, plant matter, livestock manure etc.) is loaded in to the tank.

How does a biogas generator work

Active bacteria in the tank break down the matter, creating biogas. This biogas is then channelled out of the generator through piping and, in most cases, directly to your home’s main supply.

In this way, the biogas becomes the primary source of gas used by your household appliances.

Biogas generators vary in size, but they are essentially a large tank. For that reason, you must have a permanent location where you can house your generator. Those with a small back garden will only be able to avail of a more moderately sized generator, while those with spacious land areas can build far more substantial generators.

Some people even choose to build several generators, depending on how much space they have and how much waste they will have to use. Literally any home that can house a generator can use one to substantially reduce their energy costs.

If a biogas generator sounds like something that could save you money on your energy costs while being kinder to the environment, how do you go about buying one?

This is where one of the biggest selling points of biogas generators comes in. Unlike other forms of renewable energy, it can be set up for a minimal cost.

Why? Because rather than go out and spend thousands on expensive equipment, you can simply buy the blueprints for a generator and build it yourself with readily available equipment!

Many of these generators are self-built, allowing users to save on expensive instillation costs.

However, it’s important to follow an approved and recommended set of instructions when starting out to build one.


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