Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations Review

The field of electrical engineering owes much of its progress to the foundational works that have shaped its theories, calculations, and pra...

Charles Proteus Steinmetz and the Foundations of Electrical Engineering

In the annals of scientific history, there are those whose brilliance illuminates the world, even as their names remain in the shadows. Char...

Nikola Tesla: Lectures, Patents & Articles

Nikola Tesla, the visionary inventor and electrical engineer, stands as a luminary in the annals of scientific history. His contributions to...

Technical Committee on Electrical Equipment in Chemical Atmospheres

Technical Committee on Electrical Equipment in Chemical Atmospheres There are only three actions a TC can take at the First Draft (ROP) m...

Switching Power Supply Design - Third Edition

Switching Power Supply Design - Third Edition Abraham I. Pressman Keith Billings Taylor Morey New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon Lo...

Solar generation 6 - Solar photovoltaic electricity empowering the world

“Solar can and must be a part of the solution to climate change, helping us shift away from fossil fuel dependence.” Status of solar pow...

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Steinmetz and Tesla's secret about "AC power"

Today's AC technology and radio technology are a mystery if we can ask questions about these two technologies. In this article, I will ...

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