Permanent magnets in Power generator: Searl Generator

 Let's start this wide topic with the history of the development of the electromagnetic generator by John Roy Robert Searl. John became an apprentice electrician in a factory in Birmingham, England, at the age of 14. While working with permanent magnets for electricity meters in 1946, he discovered a new effect of electromechanics that is not discussed in school. A radial electromotive force with a vertical vector occurred in the fast rotating disk. To increase the effect, John first magnetized the discs and then started using permanent magnets. It turns out that John found a way to create an electric field when the magnets are rotating. John once tested a model that consists of several magnetic rings connected to one another. At low speeds, a large radial potential difference occurred in the rings, which was show itself as an electrical discharges and the smell of ozone. Then something very unusual happened: the ring block became separated from the motor that was rotating it and hung at a height of 1.5 meters, the speed of rotation kept increasing. A pink glow appeared around the rotating object that is an indicator of air activation when the pressure dropped. The object began to rise. Eventually the rotation reached such a speed that the object quickly disappeared from the field of view above. John designed and tested many devices in 1950 - 1952. He invited the royal family and senior ministerial officials to see his 1963 model of the flying saucer. But no one answered the invitations. The inventor's fame came from abroad. First by the Japanese, then by scientists from other countries. In 1968 an event occurred that delayed the development of this scientific study. On July 30, 1968, John tested 500 kg device. During the demonstration, the device lost control and disappeared at a great height in the sky. The government "reacted" to this event. Local electricians suddenly billed John a huge sum over the past 30 years, even though John had his own power plant. He was unable to pay the large amount, so he was arrested, tried and detained for 15 months. All equipment and appliances in John's laboratory were destroyed and his house burned down. In the 1980s there was a lot of talk about him in the press, for example about the "father of the flying saucers".

There is important aspect here about magnets. John Searle made a fundamental discovery in the nature of magnetism, which consists in adding a small component of a weak alternating current (about 100 milliamps) of high frequency (about 10 MHz) in the manufacture of permanent magnets which gives them new and unexpected properties. Based on these magnets, John created his generators of energy. I believe that the essence of this technology is to create a magnetic material that has a precession of magnetic moments. This concept is discussed in detail in my book "New Space Technologies". In short, we can say that magnetic domains with precession are similar to microgyroscopes. Therefore, their rotation creates a lifting force.

The main interest of John Searle was the creation of "flying disks", and he did this with great success, since in his generators, in addition to the effect of self-rotation, the effect of axial force is also produced. For the sale of the generators of energy, Searl and his colleagues also had some plans, but the development of their power engineering projects did not reach serial production. 

Modern Searl Generators.
Modern Searl Generators

The photo in, shows a photograph of a small experimental set-up in the modern laboratory of John Searl. The technical details of this invention are similar to those of other projects. The roller, which is installed in its place "in orbit", after a small push to the left or right in the orbit, begins to rotate around its axis and with a constant increase in speed. On the left in the photo the rollers are not rotating and on the right in the photo you can see rotating rollers. Photo courtesy John Searl. In January 2011 he sent me a letter wishing me every success in my research. 

There are many films on the Internet with his presentations and explanations on the subject of "How it works". Officially, the projects are run by the DISC Direct International Science Consortium Inc. They provide work for commercial space exploration. On this topic, we can remind the experiment of Russian authors Roshchin and Godin, who in 1992 at the Institute of High Temperatures in Moscow built and successfully tested a similar generator. The project was named "Astra". The experimental setup is shown in:

. “Astra” generator by Godin and Roschin, Moscow, 1992
“Astra” generator by Godin and Roschin, Moscow, 1992

Note: Most of the manuscripts about John Searl's generator and other variants are kept secret. So you can find more information about Searl Effect Generator at the blog with the following link:

In this version, there are orbital magnets (rollers with axial magnetization), they are rotating around a central stationary ring magnet of axial magnetization. The rotation is generated by an external electric motor. Some differences to Searl's device are that in this case the magnets are not free rollers, but they are mounted on a common rotor, although the rollers can also be rotated around their axis. The diameter of the magnetic system was about 1 meter.  

There are interesting results. For rotation speed over 500 rpm, the self-rotation began and the machine switched from the primary drive to a generator. So, it can provide electric power about 7 kilowatts. Interesting fact here is about lifting force. During rotation here is axial vertical force and a radial electric field. In a darkened room, around a working generator, there is a corona discharge in the form of a bluish-pink shimmer and a characteristic ozone smell. At the same time, the ionization cloud covers the stator and the rotor and this cloud has a toroidal shape. Concentric "magnetic walls" were found around the system, i.e. areas of space in which the strength of the magnetic field and the temperature of the air was changed. The distance between these "magnetic walls" was about 50-60 cm, the thickness of the "walls" was about 5-8 cm. The temperature inside the "walls" was about 6-8 degrees below the ambient temperature. The concentric "magnetic walls" and the associated heat effects were detected for rotation above 200 rpm and increase linearly with increasing speed of rotation. For more details on this project, you can see the article by V. Godin and S. Roshchin "Experimental Study of Nonlinear Effects in a Dynamic Magnetic System", New Energy Technologies magazine, The method is patented in Russia by Roshchin V.V., Godin S.M. Russian Federation Patent 2155435 dated October 27, 1999 Let's consider another technology of magnet generator. For example, it is possible to create dynamic displacement of the rotor magnetic poles and the magnetic poles of the generator coils. This displacement is a simple way to get operation of a magnetic generator under load without braking or even with acceleration. This concept of selfaccelerating permanent magnet generators has been tested by me in several versions and is named as "reaction delay in electromagnetic induction phenomena".

What is the essence of the proposed method? Usually, when the rotor magnet approaches the pole of the generator coil, the rotor magnet is decelerated by the field of the induced current. Then, in the phase of removing the magnet of the rotor from the coil, the secondary induced magnetic field of the coil will attracts the magnet and this attraction also slows it down. After we have created a phase shift of some right duration, we get a "delay of reaction". This effect can be generated in different ways, for example due to the hysteresis properties of the generator coil core material. As a result, the approach of the magnetic pole with the coil does not cause a repulsive response (due to hysteresis delay), and the phase of removal the magnet from the coil it will create an induced repulsive field. So, the magnets of the rotor will get acceleration from induced magnetic field of the generator coil, instead of usual deceleration.

Shows a scheme on this principle by Professor Eric Laithwaite of Queens College, London:

Delay on reaction

In the simplest case, a high inductance of the coil causes a delay in the response of the generator coil to the approach of the rotor magnets. Many authors of high-efficiency generators have noted this feature, so the coils in such generators have many turns.

🌀 Nikola Tesla's Ether Technology:
💠 Harnessing the power of back electromagnetic fields (Back EMF)
💠 Back EMF generates Lenz's Force in generator 💠 When the output energy is not affected by the Lenz (free) force, a self-powered mechanism will be established from the AC generator head to the induction motor. And the kinetic energy of the induction motor at that time was only supposed to stir the Ether by Nikola Tesla's "Rotating Magnetic Field". That's the mechanism for a Free Energy AC generator - no fuel needed - Self-powered generator.

AC generator without fuelFree Energy Will Change Our World Forever

👉 Free Energy AC generator

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